Sunday, October 26, 2014


Hi. So this is my very first blog post. I'm sort of nervous since I've never done something like this before and I was suddenly inspired to start one after the depression I've been dealing with lately. This blog post is being made just so I can introduce to you what I will be posting about on this website. Firstly, I would like to explain what chance and charm stand for really. Chance stands for all the adventures and things that everyone goes through. Charm stands for the fashion and other things relating to that. (Although it is a little cheesy, it was the best thing I could come up with!) I created this blog to be a little safe place (like a journal of some sort) to write about my days and so that someone out there, who had dealt with these things before could help me out.

First, I would like to say that I want to keep this anonymous for personal reasons. Secondly, I am a teenager so hopefully someone out there around this age will read this. Lastly, I hope you reading this will enjoy this blog where I will be telling you about my experiences, adventures, and fashion. I hope to be posting about once a week and I am just creating this again, to help readers and also so that I can have an outlet where I can just talk about anything that I feel like I can't talk about to anyone else. 

Like I said previously, this blog will be about my experiences, those being anything that I have gone through, adventures, anywhere I have traveled or visited, and lastly fashion, which I love. No matter how many people are reading this, it will be a safe place for me or anyone really to talk about what they are really feeling.

If you have any questions at all concerning this blog, please email me at I will try to answer all emails (if i get any) and hope to post again soon!
P.S. I am not trying to say that I have any qualifications to give advice but I'm just doing this for fun! (:

1 comment:

Anna G said...

Can't wait to read your posts! I'm always here if you want to talk, look on the contact me page of my blog :)
Anna xx